Banana Eaters

How come we have bananas all year round here in Europe?

Banana Eaters is a lecture performance that questions the status of the banana fruit within the European market and culture. By exposing the inherent energetic properties of a banana, the performance is set from its beginning to peel away the image and symbol of the banana from the oblivion of its origin. Going through its colonial history, its current usage as simple, ready-to-eat food, to its prominent image within Western art, the banana becomes present within the lecture as the witness to many events across time, cultures, societies and histories. The physical and conceptual aspects that make up the performance reference Victor Grippo’s works regarding the transformation of everyday elements into energy, making an analogy to the human taking-of-conscience, such as Analogía I (1970) and Untitled (Energy of a Potato or Energy) (1972) which served as inspiration for this performative lecture. Ultimately, the performance piece Banana Eaters seeks to create a sense of awareness towards the origin of common products, in this case the banana fruit, which seem to be always available in Europe but are produced by labor, soil and energy outside the European zone.